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You can not check whether a variable (object) is allocated on the stack or heap in CPP programmatically.

If you are being passed the address of an object, you may not make any assumptions about how that object was allocated unless you are also passed information about that allocation. The "owner" or allocator of the object knows how that object was allocated. The "user" of the object does not know, unless told, and should not even care.

If you want to write code that transfers "ownership" of an object to another "owner", you may, but that new "owner" must be told how to manage the object.

It is possible to look at the address of the object, and infer locality based the value of that address, but that is extremely fragile, because it is implementation specific. Do not even consider it.

It IS possible to create a class that can track whether it was allocated on the stack or heap. To do so, you need to override the desired operater new() and operate delete() functions in your class, such that your class will be allocating instances of the class itself. Then you need a means to signal from the operator new() function back to the class instance that it was allocated via new (since operator new executes before the class constructor). One simple way to do this is to keep a global list of all the objects you've created for the class (via operator new); the class constructor can then lookup the this pointer in the list to see if it was allocated with new, and set a flag accordingly. In this case, operator delete() would need to remove items from the list.

If your program is multi-threaded, access to this global list would either need to be protected by a semaphore or the list could reside in thread-local storage.

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