

Best Answer

Use diluted muriatic acid. Follow all of the instructions on the label to the letter. Muriatic acid is very dangerous and will cause severe burns if not used properly.

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Q: How to clean brick walls with calcium deposit formation?
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What is best way to clean calcium deposits on acrylic surfaces?

Create a spray out of vinegar and water. Spray onto the calcium deposit and wipe off of the surface with a soft rag or cleaning pad.

Clean calcium deposits from painted steel?

You can clean calcium deposits off with vinegar. First loosen the deposit as much as possible, then heat white vinegar in the microwave and pour into a spray bottle. Spray and let deposits sit until you can wipe them off.

How do you REMOVE calcium deposits left on bricks from WATER OVERSPRAY?

I don't have an answer for you, but I too am looking for an answer to this question. My lawn sprinklers have been spraying on my concrete walls and leaving a white residue on the wall. Im not sure if this is calcium or what it is, but was looking for a good way to clean it up.

How do you clean calcium from the kettle?

There is a product called CLR that will clean calcium off things.

Can you clean brick with sulfuric acid?


What food substance helps clean your intestines?


Does cloud formation clean the atmosphere?

yes cloud formation can clean the atmosphere because when precipitation occurs such as rain it brings the stuff that is in it's way to down to the surface.

Can you clean brick with vinegar?

Yes, you can use vinegar to clean bricks. Vinegar is commonly used to gently clean bricks and restore them to original condition.

What is the chemical used to clean stone brick stucco stained by water?

Diluted bleach can clean stone brick stucco. Often gentle water pressure can remove hard water stains on stucco as well.

What is brick acid?

Brick acid is a solution of mainly hydrochloric acid. It is used to clean mortar and brickwork by dissolving rust, scale etc.

Clean calcium buildup on windows?

CLR will work well.

What is the noun formation of clean?

The noun forms for the verb to clean are cleaner and the gerund, cleaning. The noun form for the adjective clean is cleanliness.