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We've had good luck with a diagnosed case of pretty severe capsulitis of the second toe using insoles from (we are not affiliated with them), after trying homemade toe pads for Morton's toe made from the instructiuons in the heal-your-Morton's-toe book (can't remember the title). The home-made toe pads did work pretty well, but they always had to be remade as they wore out, and so were never exactly the same each time. The insoles from NF are the 6.5mm ones, specifically for capsulitis, and the people on the phone there are super helpful and into it. (They also have shoes and toe spacers, which we also might be trying.) Also using massage, stretching calf muscles, never walking on hard floors in bare feet. The pain used to be so bad it was hard to walk at all, and now it's almost completely gone away.

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Q: How to cure capsulitis in second toe?
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How do I cure broken toe pain?

The best way to cure broken toe pain is to simply stay off of the foot that is bothering you. You might want to get a splint for your toe which can be made out of two wooden sticks and gauze around the area. There is no definite cast however for broken toes, so the best method is to just stay off of the toe.

What does it mean if second toe is shorter than big toe?

That is perfectly normal. There is a widespread mutation causing the second toe to extend farther than the big toe, but in the original structure of the human foot, the big toe extends the farthest, and this also gives the best stability to the foot.

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The toes do not have names like the fingers do. It would be simpler to just refer to this toe as your second toe.

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Probably because they had somebody pose, and they had a long second toe. A lot of people have longer second toes. My granny does.

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Funny question to ask. Anyway longer second toe is just a physical happening. There's nothing to do with psychology related issues. Don't get bothered if you got your second toe longer.

What is frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis?

It's a condition where the tendons in the shoulder become tight and hard to move. This causes a dull pain all the time and is very annoying and becomes more painful when sleeping on that side. There is apparently no cure.

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See a doctor.