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it is the same as an int, String, or any of the others:

float myVar = 5.7f;

If you try to assign a decimal number you must place an "f" at the end, otherwise Java will assume you are trying to assign a double.

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13y ago

float is a primitive datatype in java that is used to hold numeric values that contain decimal places.

Ex: float f = 10;

The above is an example declaration of a float variable. They can be used inall arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc.

It uses 32 bits and there is as such no minimum or maximum value it can take. The value that a float can hold is larger than all possible numeric values that we can use in our systems (in most cases)

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11y ago

Perhaps you got an error message about a possible loss of precision?

The following will generate an error:

float f;

double d = 5.0;

f = d; // Here, there may be a loss of precision. The Java compiler will protest.

To solve this, tell Java that you (the programmer) know what you are doing, by using an explicit cast:

float f;

double d = 5.0;

f = (float) d; // Here, "d" is explicitly converted to type "float"

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THIS IS FOR JAVA i don't know about anything about other languages yes it can be assignedthe syntax is:int (number) = (float) numberFOR EXAMPLE:int = a;a = (float ) 5.5;if the (float) is not there then in Java it gives an error saying precision loss of data type

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