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Dysgeusia is the medical term for a distortion in our sense of taste. In the non-pregnant patient it can be a harbinger of disease; however, in the pregnant patient is a less-common but nonetheless unpleasant and frustrating side effect of normal pregnancy. There are many theories surrounding the reasons why some women experience a lasting, unpleasant taste in their mouths during pregnancy (some describe it as "metallic" or "sour" but not all women who report this symptom seem to agree on a description). Most evidence points to increasing levels of estrogen that alter the body's interpretation of taste and smell. Some research indicates the taste buds on the tongue actually grow bigger (hypertrophy), which accounts for the distortion of taste during the course of pregnancy. Regardless of cause or underlying physiology, many women have reported that frequently brushing their teeth helps to alleviate the terrible taste in their mouths while a good number of other women report that gargling with diluted solutions of baking soda and water (one cup water to 1/4 tablespoon baking soda) very effectively neutralizes the unpleasant sensation. Sucking on mints, sour foods like lemons or sour candies seems to help some women while others report anything sugary or starchy makes it work. It is worthy of trying some of these safe, cheap and easy remedies at home to see if any of them work for you. As always, it is important, vital and necessary to stay in communication with your obstetric practitioner about any side effects or symptoms that you may be experiencing during pregnancy--if for no other reason than reassurance and encouragement.

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Q: How to eliminate the bitter taste in one's mouth during pregnancy?
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No, but condoms and other forms of medically approved contraception can do the trick. Using bitter drinks to prevent pregnancy will most likely just leave a bitter taste in your mouth, especially when you discover that the "liquid contraceptive" hasn't done the trick.If you are trying to conceive, the best thing to do is to make healthy choices. Cutting back on caffeine, smoking, alcohol, etc, can improve your and your partners fertility. However, I am well into my first pregnancy, and have never been advised to avoid bitter drinks.

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You can use toothpaste and a toothbrush to get the bitter taste out of your mouth. You might also try eating or drinking something that is sweet in order to get rid of that bitter taste.

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Pine nuts have a slightly bitter taste and can sometimes leave a Bitter Taste in your mouth.

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Actually during fever bile duct secretes excess bile juice .this causes bitterness of the mouth

Can you have Cotton mouth during pregnancy?

I'm about 5 to 6 weeks along and I've had cotton mouth off and on. Im assuming its from being pregnate and letting myself get dehydrated.

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Typically this is not a sign of pregnancy

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A Bitter taste in mouth can be left even after eating if you have recently been using canned air. The use of canned air can leave a residue on your hand and lips which is bitter. This is because of the bitterant they add into the canned air to keep people from inhaling it.

The probability of pregnancy by mouth kissing?

Zero! There is no connection between the mouth and the uterus.