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Rub dirty socks on your face, or rub somebody elses smelly feet on your face.

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Q: How to get your face to smell like stinky feet?
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What does grape smell like?

Stinky feet !

Do you like smelling dirty feet?

Yes, I love the smell of stinky feet.

What can you do for stinky feet?

If you put baby powder on your feet once or twice a day or if you put on deodorant specifically for your feet once or twice a day. If your shoes smell try putting dryer sheets in your shoes overnight or until you like the results. Hope this helps!

Are fergie's bare feet ticklish?

Yes. They are I asked he and she also has stinky feet. Her feet smell like a sweat. She loves when you lick them.

Do cats like stinky feet?

cats do like stinky feet can u tell us why cats like stinky feet

Stinky feet go weewee?

what do you mean do you know english? do you mean feet smell like urine that is SO immature and innapropriate

What do suede shoes or flats smell like on women's feet?

Suede flats/heels smell very stinky (especially on bare feet) because the shoes keep the feet warm and they sweat.

How do skunks smell like?

they smell like rotten eggs, and stinky socks

Why doe men like to smell womens feet?

Because to some men, feet are as beautiful as the woman's face, breasts etc. Not all men like to smell feet and those that do like to smell feet, do like all feet.

What does rotten grapefruit smell like?

sweeter than it usually should . that's the only way I could describe it

Is taste independent from smell?

No, taste and smell are closely linked. Smell plays a significant role in our perception of flavor, and many of the flavors we experience are actually a combination of taste and smell. Without the sense of smell, our ability to taste certain flavors would be limited.

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my name is joe and I like to smell my stinky toe