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Blanch them in Boiling water for about 30 seconds. Should keep them somewhat green. Ive never baked brussel sprouts before in my full service kitchen

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Q: How to keep baked brussels sprouts green?
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How do you store Brussels sprouts?

Keep unwashed Brussels sprouts in a bag in the crisper section of the refrigerator for up to a week. Before washing Brussels sprouts, remove stems and any yellow or discolored leaves. Brussels sprouts can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you use a steaming method when cooking them. The fiber-related components in Brussels sprouts do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they've been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it's easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw Brussels sprouts still have cholesterol-lowering ability - just not as much as steamed Brussels sprouts.

What is eating my brussels sprouts?

It could be cutworms, slugs, or snails. Try a row cover to keep insects away.

How many minutes do you steam brussels sprouts?

Take a plain old pot. Fill halfway to three quarters full with water. Put some brussel sprouts in the pot. Turn on your stove burner. Put lid on pot. Wait until you look down and see bubbles in the pot. Take the lid off. Stick a fork into one of the brussel sprouts. If it is tender, they are ready. If not, keep cooking. When tender and fork comes out cleanly, turn off stove burner. Take pot off stove. Eat brussel sprouts, but careful, they're hot. Enjoy.

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pull the roots out.

Are Sprouts a TCS food?

Once they are picked, sprouts are a TCS food. You need to make sure to keep them refrigerated until eaten after you have purchased them.

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because people keep eating it with bussel sprouts

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if we keep the cookies

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NATO's Headquarters is located in Brussels Blegium and it started to "Keep the Russian's out, the Americans in, and the German's Down in Lord Ismay's words (First Secretary Gerneral of NATO)

Can you keep baked cookies for a week?

yeah, if you seal them properly.

Are baked beans safe for a picnic?

yes, keep them covered.

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Sugar Cookies make perfect cut out cookies as they keep their shape when baked, unlike normal cookies which expand when baked.

What to do to keep fresh baked food fresh for long time?

keep it in the refrigerator, and when you take it out, you can put it in a toaster or toaster oven