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Signs of being spoiled can be many things. Some are, they expect everything, even if you don't have it. They will do whatever it takes to get their item. The important thing to is set ground rules. Tell them when they are not behaving or sit down calmly and discuss they matter further. If all shall not fit your expectations than I recommend sending him\her to their room. If after those idea's do not work. Keep sending the child to their room. One sudden outburst, tempertantrum or fight, send the child to their room. You are the parent, you are the adult, you are a role model to your little bundle of love. You follow these key important steps, then you will be thrilled with what you come up with. I am a mother, I have trained my 2 kids on the joy of childhood with these simple steps. I know you can do it too. Good Luck.

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15y ago

The first question you should ask yourself, and be honest with yourself, is when you want to buy your first choice ALWAYS the best and most expensive. Do you reason with needs vs wants. In other words...when you need something, do you weigh the value of just buying something that will fulfill that need...maybe not the "bells and whistles" of the more expensive? If so, you're probably spoiled. If you do things or buy things always that most people (80% people say you're crazy) wouldn''re probably spoiled. Seek therapy. It's not wrong to want the best things in's the bi product of the attitude..i.e. treatment towards others, depression when you can't get what you want - that is harmful. Good luck!

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10y ago

Do you get whatever you want?

do you whine a lot?

How high is your self esteem?

How much expensive stuff do you get?

Do you love yourself more than anything else?

If most of your answers are Yes, Yes, A lot, and Yes. Than you're spoiled.

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13y ago

if you get everything you want and always complain and want more,more,more.

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