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make shore your hamsters cage is clean and there is no holes in the bottom of the cage. and if there is an Oder in the cage just go to Walmart and get some deodorizing spray.

PS. mckayla was here


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How do I get rid of fruit flies

, and gnats.

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Do gnats come out of bananas?

Those "gnats" are fruit flies. They do not come out of bananas, they hatch from the banana peel. The adult fruit flies lay their eggs on the banana plants, including the fruit.

Why are gnats on hamster cages?

They are most likely fruit flies, not gnats. Well, the most common reason for fruit fly invasion is because leftover vegetables or fruit are being left untouched. Those flies like to crawl all over the fruit.To get rid of them, clean the whole cage thoroughly and replace all food and bedding. If you don't you might find some maggots in your cage!

Where do gnats and fruit flies come from?

Like most insects, fruit flies and gnats develop from eggs. they lay their eggs the eggs which are called larvae. Larvae then hatches and maggots come out. Maggots then turn into puparium (cocoon like). Then these hatch into fruit flies. The hole ordeal take 48 hours.

Do insects called nats make a noise?

No gnats are just very small flies like fruit flies and are completely silent.

What makes the eggs develop that makes fruit flies or gnats?

you eat to much man you eat to much man

Does canaries cause gnats?

If the cage is kept clean all the time and devoid of rotting fruit etc. with de-lousing powder on the floor of the cage this should stop the gnats and flies.

Are fruit flies and gnats the same thing?

No. Insects, much like ourselves, reproduce sexually. Therefore, you need a male and female gnat to produce offspring. Gnats, and many other insects, lay their eggs in fruit as it will provide nurishment to their larvae. This leads many to believe that the gnats themselves are produced by the fruit when the juveniles emerge.

Does fruit attract gnats?

if you lve in humid climates then oldish fruit does

How do you get rid of gnats in the office?

This depends on the source of the gnats. If the gnats are coming from plants, it is a sign of overwatering. If they are not actually gnats but fruit flies, they are coming from a food source. Make sure employees are keeping any food kept at their workspaces sealed, the trash emptied and and any kitchen area clean. They should disappear once their food source is gone.

Where do fruit flies go if they don't go to the traps but they disappear?

Gnats have a short life span. During this short time they breed, lay eggs and die within a few weeks. If you want more information go to It should be helpful.

Can you eat fresh herb plants if they have fruit flies or gnats?

No, fresh herb plants that fruit flies and gnats cannot be eaten. The insects in question respectively may vector food- and soil-borne diseases and pathogens. Prevention of bacteria, diseases, germs, infections and viruses starts with proper sanitation, through keeping oneself and what one eats as clean as possible and as clear of pathogen-vectoring and pesticide-sprayed pests.

What two animal can not be trained or tamed?

gnats and flies