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Confront them say something like this," are you trying to prove something by trying make me jealous? Cause it's not working and I would appreciate it if you stopped trying and it's just getting a little annoying so please stop." I said something like that and it worked.

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Q: How to stop your friend from making you jealous?
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How do you stop her from making you jealous?

talk to her or say in a happy way"stop making me look jealous" maybe she'll understand where your coming from or she'll be glad to attract your needs.

What do you do when everyone is making fun of you?

They're jealous of you. Just smile and they'd stop teasing you.

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you have a better chance of getting use to the fact that there always together. evenually they wont hang out so much anyways.

How do you stop a kiss if your jealous?

Say: 'Will you two please stop it, I'm jealous.'

How do you help jealous friend to get her own life?

maybe try telling her to stop. try telling her NICELY. if you don't, you may offend her or you may even lose her as a friend.

What is a sentence with jealous?

My friend was very jealous when I got a puppy

What do you do when your close friend is jealous of you and is jealous enough to endanger your friendship?

you talk with your friend about it and try to find a solution

What does it mean when a girl makes you stop talking to friends?

When a girl makes you stop talking to your friend she is possessive and possibly jealous. You should never give up friends for anyone.

You are jealous of your best friend who is gorgeous rich and can have any man she wants what do you do?

Co_okie here, It's perfectly normal to feel jealous of your friend. She odviously has alot to be jealous of. But if she is a good friend and doesen't flaunt these sort of things at you all the time, she would understand if you feel a bit jealous. Just think about what you have and what she could be jealous of (but don't flaunt that either). If she's purposely trying to make you jealous, RUN! It won't get any better and she really isn't acting like your friend. Make sure she understands that. Finally, swallow yourself in friendship that doesn't stop at appearances and things. That is what will make you happy! Good luck!

Are Gemini's jealous of Libras?

sometimes because i have a friend who is one and she is jealous of me

What should I do if I am dating this guy but my friend doesn't want me to go out with him?

Tell your friend to stop being jealous and to go find her own boyfriend. She obviously wants him. (Or your stupid and the guy sucks)!

He asked if my friend likes me is he jealous of my friend I asked if he was jealous he said no?

Its unlikely that he would admit to being jealous. He's asking because he's obviously showing an interest!