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You will need to bottle feed an orphaned kitten. Cimicat substitute milk or baby milk formula can be used successfully. You will need to feed the kitten every two hours. You will also need to stimulate the kitten after feeding, to enable it to pass waste matter. You do this by gently rubbing a cotton wool ball around it's belly area until the kittens produces waste matter.

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15y ago
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13y ago

If the kitten(s) have no mother, then quickly get to a pet store/vet to buy kitten formula.If it has been more than a few hrs w/ no milk, it could be dehydrated, so might need fluid intraveniously- so call the vet/ sheltler asap. It will need to be feed nearly constantly to live. I haven't done this for kittens, but did it for a squirrel, who did survive. Round the clock feedings every 90 minutes. You will also need to wipe its bottom after feedings with a warm washcloth to induce a bowel movement ( which is a soft liquid) the mother cat does this by licking- New animals need warmth, so if it is a solo kitten then attach it to your midriff ( like a sling) or place a hotwaterbottle under a soft fur or fleece fabric. Be careful, as the water bottle will quickly cool, and will pull heat away the kittens' body if not more than 98.6- Young animal nursing can be a fun projuect if you have help- but tricky alone- I recommend bringing it to a animal rescue cntr. instead, especially if it gets diareah or doesn't feed well. Keep expectations low- most do not survive so young........animal loving parent of a child who wants to be a vet.....

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11y ago

The best advice here is to take the kitten to the vet. Tiny kittens can go downhill very quickly. The vet will be able to show you how to bottle feed the kitten, and give you advice on how to try and get the kitten to start on solid foods.

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11y ago

Let its mum feed it. If that isn't possible then keep it warm and feed it with Simcat kitten milk powder make into solution and use tiny bottles or syringes to administer...follow instructions on tub.

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Q: What to feed an orphaned kitten?
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It is not a very good idea to open a kitten's eyes. It could damage a kitten's growth. Keep in mind that a kitten's eyes are fully open in four weeks. So, I suggest seeing a vet if the eyes are not developing and not opening after a long period of time.

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KMR or kitten milk replacer ring a vet and ask for some you will need to bottle feed it

What can you feed kittens that are 2 days old?

By far the best food for tiny kittens is their mother's milk. They need nothing else. If for some reason the mother isn't present, you must either quickly find another nursing female cat who can take on more kittens (your local animal shelter may have some), or buy some KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) from your vet. Your vet will be able to show you how to bottle feed kittens. Such tiny kittens will need to be fed at least every hour around the clock, and will also need to be stimulated to produce waste after every feed.

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no that's nasty