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Viruses are MUCH smaller than cells in size.

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Q: How virus differ from cell in size?
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What makes a cell increase in size faster the cell membrane or the cell contents?

a virus

Do cell sizes differ?

Of coarse cell sizes differ. Take and egg for example; it is 100 times the size of an average skin cell

Explain why cell can differ so much in size?

Some cells have constraints on their size, for instance a cell wall, whereas other cells have flexible cell membranes, which pose no constraints on the cell size.

Are viruses larger then cells?

No. Viruses are smaller than cells. If a cell were the size of a basketball, then a virus would be about the size of a penny.

How viruses differ from living cell?

A virus is an inert chemical, with no metabolic activity, when it is not inside a cell. It cannot function on its own. Whereas with a living cell you always have a metabolism, even if the cell is part of a parasitic organism.

Where can I get a Drawing of a virus cell?

No where. A virus is not a cell.

What does a cell and virus have in common?

What a cell and a virus have in common is the RNA or DNA. The virus can be either a RNA virus or a DNA virus.

Which is the biggest bacteruim virus or yeast cell?

A yeast cell is the biggest followed by the bacteruim then the virus The virus is easily the smallest it can be up to 1/10000th of the size of a bacterium! A bacteria is about 1.8 millionth of a meter a yeast cell is about a 12 millionth of a meter which means the yeast cell is more than 6x larger than a bacterium!

What is smallest A skin cell or A virus?

A virus is smaller than a skin cell. Skin cells are typically 30-40 micrometers in diameter, while viruses can range in size from 20 to 300 nanometers. Thus, viruses are significantly smaller than skin cells.

A biology student is using illustrations of a virus a bacteria an amoeba and a human skin cell to show the relative size of these microscopic objects Which of these is the smallest microscopic obj?


Which is smaller a cell or virus?

A virus.

Which component of a virus is lacking in a cell?

Both a living cell and a virus contain nucleic acid. The virus has a capsid, whereas a living cell does not.