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Alexander the great was taught by Aristotle, who was taught by Plato who was taught by Socrates.

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Q: How was Alexander the great connected to Socrates?
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Was Alexander the Great a student of Socrates?

No. Alexander the great was a student of Aristotle. Aristotle was a student of Plato, and Plato was a student of Socrates. .

Who preserved Alexander the Great ideas of Socrates in his writing?

Aristotle was Alexander's tutor for a period.

Who was the Greek philosopher who taught with questions not answers?

The great Greek philosopher, who taught by questions and not answers was the great Aristotle.

Was Alexander the Great tutored by the Greek philosopher Socrates - how do you know?

No - Socrates was dead before Alexander was born. He had many tutors, the main one being Aristotle.

What were 3 well known ancient Greeks?

Plato,Socrates and Alexander the great

Who was student of Aristotle?

Yes, Aristotle is a student of Platos, Platos is a student of Socrates, and they all study together so their both Socrates's students.

Aristotle was a student of?

Aristotle was a student of Socrates. Aristoltle taught Plato. Plato taught Alexander The Great. SPAA

Who is the philosophers from the Greek city and state of Athens?

The top 3 were Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. Alexander the Great is sometimes the 4th! ! :)

Who is the graetest greek in history?

Alexander the Great as well as his teacher Aristoteles are remarcable examples. See also Platwnas, Pithagoras, Socrates, Achileas etc

Man who taught Alexander the Great?

Aristotle, who was a Greek philosopher. Aristotle was a protege to Plato, whose mentor was Socrates. These three great thinkers were all Greek, and that is the reason why Alexander the Great loved Greek Culture so much. (He was Macedonian.) That's a common misconception about Alexander. People think that he was Greek; he was not. Alexander was a Macedonian prince, son of Phillip II, and he was influenced by Aristotle.

How is Alexander the Great connected to the Myceaean civilization and their defeat and where did the Mycecaen civilization come from?

The Mycenaean civilisation disappeared eight hundred years before Alexander's birth.

What are some historical people in Greece?

Some people include: euclid, eratosthenes,aristarchus,hippocrates,Alexander the Great,Homer,Plato,Socrates,Aristotle,Perichles,Archidemes