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The government policy of containment of communism. It was felt that if a country became communist that the nearby countries would follow. This was called "domino effect" and ruled American foreign policy for 60 years. To some extent it still does,but the players have changed .

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Q: How was America's involvement in Vietnam a product of the Cold War?
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How was the Cold War involvement in Vietnam different from its involvement in Cuba during the bay of pigs invasion?

The United States only committed large numbers of American troops in Vietnam.

How was U.S Cold War involvement in Vietnam different from its involvement in Cuba during the Bay of Pigs invasion?

The United States only committed large numbers of American troops in Vietnam.

How was the U.S Cold War involvement in Vietnam different from its involvement in Cuba during the Bay of Pigs invasion?

The United States only committed large numbers of American troops in Vietnam.

How was us cold war involvement in Vietnam different from its involvement in Cuba during the bay of the pigs invasion?

The United States only committed large numbers of American troops in Vietnam.

How was US cold war involvement in Vietnam different from the US involvement in Cuba during the Bay of Pigs invasion?

The United States only committed large numbers of American troops in Vietnam.

How was U.S. cold war involvement in Vietnam different from it's involvement in Cuba during the bay of pigs invasion?

The United States only committed large numbers of American troops in Vietnam.

What is a good thesis statement for Americans involvement in the Vietnam war?

One hot battle of a cold war.

Who created the wAr?

The Vietnam War was a product of the "Cold War."

How was US Cold War involvement in Vietnam different from its involvement in Cuba during the Bay of Pigs invasion?

The United States only committed large numbers of American troops in Vietnam.

What caused the American involvement in Vietnam?

Most people accept the spread of communism as the prime cause of the Vietnam War, a battle of the cold war.

Should the us be praised or condemmed for its involvement in the Vietiam War?

To be condemned would be to not have fought the cold war at all. Praised, for fighting the cold war, and doing it with bullets (Vietnam) when it had to.

What war was first the cold war or the Korean war?

The korean 'war', if officially considered a war, as opposed to a 'police action', would predate the vietnam war, which has also been referred to as a 'conflict'. Semantics aside, u.s. 'involvement' in korea predated u.s. 'involvement' in vietnam.