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...thePlague or Black Death.

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Q: How was Europe's in the fourteenth population was devastated by crop failure and .?
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What is The operation of an oil cartel in the Middle East is perceived by some to be an example of market failure?

we first can talk about the cartel, and then we have to say the meaning of monopoly and how this cartel seems it is monopoly but it is not and talk about the market failure

Who won in Gallipoli - the ANZACs or the Turks?

There was no victory for the ANZACs in Turkey. Sadly, the entire Gallipoli campaign was a failure for everyone but the Turks.

Causes and effects of taiping rebellion?

There were religious, nationalist, social, and economic causes of the Taiping Rebellion. Taiping viewed Confusionists as devils. Ninety percent of the population of China was Han and angry with minority rule. Corrupt officials and a weak army added to the cause of the rebellion. Some of the effects of the Taiping Rebellion was a death toll of over 30 million, drained the government of money and left China vulnerable.

What was de Lessops grand failure?

Construction of the Panama canal in 1881. Because of inadequate equipment and mosquito borne disease the project was abandoned in 1888 and later completed by the Americans.

How did democracy cause World War Two?

I don't really think that democracy caused WWII. There were many other factors which contributed much more (if democracy did indeed cause it!) these were; An aggressive Germany under Hitler appeasement (namely by France and Britain) failure to recognize a true threat bitterness of Germans at their treatment at Versailles failure of the league of nations and so on.... i think to ask how democracy caused WWII is very vague as democracy did not cause WW2 at all!

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What happened in Europe as a result of the cooling in climate that occurred in the early fourteenth century?

Crop Failure

What resulted in crop failure in the early fourteenth century?

in europe it was summer rains and bad weather

What did Elvis' mother die of?

Elvis Presley's mother died of heart failure. Plus Elvis had a twin that was stillborn. After his mothers death Elvis was devastated because he had a great bond with him and his mother

What caused widespread crop failure in Europe in the early fourteenth century?

A cooling in climate caused widespread crop failure in Europe in the early fourteenth century. ----- While the climate had cooled somewhat, the immediate cause of the Great Famine of 1315-1317 was very heavy rains that flooded fields and destroyed crops in much of Europe in all three years. The following years were also very wet, and the recovery did not take place until 1322.

What is economic failure?

Economic failure, or most commonly known as market failure, happens when the services offered by the market are not efficient enough to sustain the demands of the population. Economic failure is often caused by non-competitive markets, public goods themselves, and principal-agent problems.

What is homeostasis failure?

Homeostasis is a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group. Failure would be the failure of maintaining the equilibrium.

Why do you need to study population explosion?

We need to study population explosion because we also need to match the population wether present or projected to the present and projected economic resources. Failure to do so will cause economic problems in the future.

What is one of the best slogans of world population day?

beef tacos are yummy to eat but they have been known to cause kidney failure. (:

Why was Henrik Ibsen viewed as a failure?

Ibsen was a self proclaimed failure. He originally intended to go to University to become a doctor. After failing an entrance exam, he decided to become a play writer. His first play sold only 40 copies, the rest were used as wrapping paper. He had a spotty life marked by many failed plays and bankrupcy. It was only later that he became successful.He a major 19th Century playwright. He has been recognised as one of Europes greatest playwrights, comparable with Shakespeare

Why President Carter is characterized as a failure in political term?

There were two high profile events that led to the perception that the Carter administration was a failure. First the gas crisis angered the general population. Adding to their frustration was the unending Iranian hostage crisis.

What is the average age of onset for chronic renal failure?

Chronic renal failure is increasing in the population. It is most common in adults older than 70. The risk of developing chronic kidney disease increases after age 50. An overall average age of onset is not available.

Why did Gandhi feel like a failure?

He believed that his failure to prevent the Hindu and Muslim leaderships decision to split the Muslim population into its own country of Pakistan, and resulting in millions of deaths during the migrations that followed, was his biggest failure.