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Q: How was Galileo able to prove that Aristotle was wrong?
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Is a scientific hypothesis accepted if there is no way way to prove that the hypothesis is wrong?

No. Not being able to prove something is NOT the same as it being true.

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The only way to destroy a scientific law is to be able to prove it wrong.

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A 'testable' hypothesis is one in which you are able to conduct experiments in able to prove right or wrong.

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they were able to prove that they were stupid heads!!!!!

How were the contributions of nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo galilei to the scientific to the scientific revolution different?

Copernicus created the mathematical theory to prove that the Sun, not the Earth, was the centre of our solar system. Galilei provided the calculations and observations to prove Copernicus' theory.

How did living during the Renaissance affect Galileo Galilei?

It was hard life time to accomplish great things but Galileo was able to

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Money is a big motivator for people. Being able to prove people wrong is also something that people use to motivate them.

What is the scientific theory definition?

Anextensively tested hypothesis that is accepted as the best answer we can come up with, since nobody has been able to prove it wrong yet.

How were the contributions of Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galileo to the scientific revolution different?

Galileo used more advanced technology to find stronger observational evidence than Copernicus was ever able to provide.

What did Galileo think the craters on the moon were?

they thought it was holes to be able to dump in them