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Hitler really wasn't popular with his people. Adolf ruled his people like Pavlov did with his dogs. Then he rewarded them for good behavior, told them they where the white supremecy of the future.

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Q: How was Hitler able to achieve popularity during World War 1 and two?
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Hitler had several generals (and their equivalent0 during WW2

Who ran Germany during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler

Did Adolf Hitler started World War I?

Adolf Hitler was a corporal during World War 1, so no.

Who led Germany during world war 2?

Adolf Hitler was the dictator during World War II. He was the leader of the German during that time.

Was Hitler the chansellor during World War 1?

No, that was during WW2.

How was Hitler during World War 2?

hitler was a fusterated man who loved war

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Who attempted genocide during world warr 2?

Hitler and Stalin both attempted genocides during World War II, but Hitler's genocides are more well-known.

Which happened first -- Hitler's rise or World War 2?

Hiter was trying for power from around 1925 but gained popularity in the 1930s and from there caused World War 2.

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