

How was September 11 planned?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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10y ago

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9/11 effected us alot, but if you watch the videos on you tube you will see where the missiles were shot before the plane even hit the world trade center (south side). Not only did Osama bin Laden plan it but they even hooked missiles to the plane, they couldn't of done it by there selves and how did they get passed security there is something we don't know about.

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The person who planned the 9-11 attacks( September 11 attacks) is Osama bin Laden. To most people, he is a bad guy. Thanks to the United States Navy Seal team 6. The seal team 6 successfully completed their mission for hunting Osama bin Laden.

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Was semtember 11 planned?

yes it was by the terrorists

Was 9 11 planned by the US?

No why would they it was from afgaistan

When did September 11 occur?

11 September 2001 occur

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The 9/11 attacks were on September 11, 2001.

On which date did the September 11 attack on the WTC happen?

The September 11 attacks occurred on September 11, 2001.

Was September really a terrorist attack?

no, September 11th was a planned attack. it had nothing to do with terrorists. just the evilness of the bush administration.

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Tuesday was the day of September 11 in 2001.