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The emergence of agriculture is an important time marker known for separating history and prehistory. Although it was a big change, people didn't just suddenly start sticking seeds into the ground. The process was gradual, and was discovered by trial and error. The appearance of agriculture is also known as the Neolithic Revolution, which refers to all the different times around the world where agriculture appeared. Agriculture was slowly adopted by humans over the course of several generations. With time it was used more and more as substitutes for game they failed to kill or fruit and berries that had been eaten by other animals. In fact, some members of the group would go out to hunt while others stayed and experimented with seeds found from nearby plants. Eventually, planting seeds became a part of everyday life for these people.

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The discovery of agriculture is believed to have occurred independently in various regions around the world as early humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer societies to settled communities. It likely began with the intentional cultivation and harvesting of wild plants for food, eventually leading to the domestication of crops and animals. This shift allowed for a more reliable food supply and led to the development of agriculture as a sustainable way of life.

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