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Brain cancer was first discover by Russian scientist Gupta Longati in 1873 when he was operating a woman.

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1w ago

Brain cancer was first recognized in the early 19th century through postmortem examinations of patients who had neurological symptoms. As medical knowledge grew, advances in imaging technologies such as MRI and CT scans helped in the early detection and diagnosis of brain tumors. This led to further understanding of the different types of brain cancer and development of treatment options.

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11y ago

by an ancient man in the 1873s........

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When was Brain cancer discovered?

Brain cancer was first discovered by Russian scientist Gupta Longati in 1873

When discovered was brain?

Brain cancer was first discovered by Russian scientist Gupta Longati in 1873

Who first discovered brain cancer?

There is know way to tell who was the first person to have a brain tumor because most tumors went undetected in the days before x-rays and MRIs. In 1884, Mr. Rickman J. Godlee performed the first resection of a brain tumor.

When was first cancer discovered?

Cancer was first discovered some time in 1500 BC in Egypt

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No, cancer was discovered well before 1932. The first written records of cancer are from 1500 B.Sc. , and were found written on papyrus from ancient Egypt.

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How does brain throat cancer start?

First the brain recedes to the throat. Then the throat gives the brain cancer. It's a never ending cycle.

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What color ribbon is brain cancer?

The ribbon for brain cancer awareness is grey. May is also brain cancer awareness month.graygrey

Do the majority of the people with brain cancer live or die?

The brain cancer survival rate indicates the percentage of people with a certain type and stage of brain cancer who survive the disease for a specific period of time after their diagnosis. In most cases, statistics refer to the 5-year brain cancer survival rate. The 5-year brain cancer survival rate is the percentage of people who are alive 5 years after a brain cancer diagnosis, whether they have few or no signs or symptoms of brain cancer, are free of disease, or are having treatment for brain cancer. The brain cancer survival rate is based on large groups of people, and it cannot be used to predict what will happen to a particular patient. No two patients are alike, and brain cancer treatment and responses to treatment vary greatly.

Can a monkey get brain cancer?

Yes, monkeys can get brain cancer. The etiology, prognosis and treatment are similar to brain cancers in humans.

What does brain cancer effect in the body?

the brain