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Q: How was it in Alabama when colored people couldn't do stuff like whites?
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What was Alabama Birmingham like in 1963?

In Birmingham, Alabama, 1963 the Civil Rights Movement was made, making it fair for colored people to have the same opportunities as whites.<3

Did whites evolve from black people?

most likely, whites did not evolve from black people as: Dark skinned people have ancestors who were born in the sun, making their complexion dark. White skins' ancestors were born in some colder places, making their complexion lighter. this is not a proven answer, just my thinking on it..... sorry if i couldnt help!! :)

Why whites do not like blacks?

Back then they didnt like them because they were colored.

Did racial segregation cause an impact?

yes of course, becuse black people then couldnt use the same bathroom,eat at the same resturant, drink from the same waterfountain as whites nad so fort.

Did Martin Luther king repect the white?

yes he very much did respect the whites he had white people working with him he wanted peace for all people and he led non violent marches where anyone who wanted to could join in but eventually he was assassinated and he couldnt lead the people anymore

What spurred members of the Niagara Movement to join with whites to form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?

rioting and murder by a white mob in Springfield, Illinois

What organization was founded by blacks and whites in the early 1900s?

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 by a group of white and black social activists. The organization was started to fight racism and to insure the equality of rights of African Americans.

What is Montgomery Alabama segregation?

Montgomery Alabama segregation was to keep blacks separated from the whites in all public and private places. It was an act of hate and ignorance

He ordered the removal of ''Whites Only'' and ''Colored''signs from Atlanta City Hall?

Ivan Allen

What idea did NAACP?

If you didn't know is stands for National Association of Andvancement of Colored People. Kinda answers itself. They basically wanted blacks to advance be given the same rights as whites.

How does lula treat jem and scout?

Because she thinks that white people should use their own church rather then the colored people's church

Why did Sessel john Rhodes start the Apartheid?

because he was a racist man who believed that blacks, indians, asians, and colored/mixed people should be tortured and put last always against the whites