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Q: How was paul revere involved in the sons of liberty after and during the American revolution?
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What did France bring to the Americas?

The Statue Of Liberty as a present honoring the alliance during the American Revolution. Idiot.

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What was paul revere's involvement in the sons of liberty before and during the American revolution?

He headed it. He was like the leader.

Is the statue of liberty given to the US by Canada?

No, The french gave it to USA because they had a good friendship during the American revolution.

What is liberte during the French Revolution?

It was liberty.

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During the american revolution the colonists regulated trade and taxes since the American Revolution was precipitated.

What were the events the daughters of liberty were in?

The Daughters of Liberty was the formal female association that was formed in 1765 to protest the Stamp Act, and later the Townshend Acts, and was a general term for women who identified themselves as fighting for liberty during the American Revolution.

Why is the of liberty there?

because France gave it to the u.s during the revolution

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Red Jacket was allied with the United States of America during the War of 1812, while his tribe was working with the British during the American Revolution.

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Arkansas was not even a state during the American Revolution.