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Q: How was ratification of the new constitution made easier?
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New Hampshire's ratification of the Constitution important?

New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratify the Constitution, and with its ratification, the Constitution was officially in effect.

What states secured the ratification of the Constitution?

new hampsire

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how did Georgia respond to the ratification of the u.s. consituion?

The Federalist was written to?

It was written to win support for the Constitution in New York.

What was the approval of the Constitution called?

The process wherby each state voted to accept the new US Constitution is called "ratification." This term is also used for acceptance of amendments to the constitution.

Essays written to defend the ratification of the new constitution?

federalist paper

Why were Virginia and the New York important to the ratification of the constitution?

They had higher populations

New York and Virginia were important to the ratification of the constitution why?

They had higher populations

Why were Virginia and New York important to the ratification of the constitution?

They had higher populations

What year was the US Constitution ratified by the necessary ninth state?

Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New Hampshire happened on June 21, 1788. New Hampshire was the ninth state to do so, and with its ratification, the Constitution was officially in effect. Once the Congress of the Confederation received word of New Hampshire's ratification, it set a timetable for the start of operations under the Constitution, and on March 4, 1789, the government under the Constitution began operations.

How did the Federalists Papers play an essential role in the ratification of the Constitution?

The Federalist Papers played an essential role in the ratification of the constitution because they promoted its ratification to states like the New York Legislature that did not want to ratify it. It worked.

What was the main reason antifederalists opposed ratification of the new constitution?

They believed that the Constitution diminished states' rights.