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Q: How was segregation in the north different from the south?
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How was segregation different in the north then the south during the 1920s?

unlike he north, segregation in the north was

How was segregation in the north different than the south in the US?

Segregation in the South was very different than in the North. It was made illegal in many areas for an African American person to be in the same room as a Caucasian person. The further away from the South, the more lenient the segregation rules were, but it was a travesty all around.

Why did the south go to war?

Because they wanted segregation in the US and the North didn't.

What does segregation in the south mean?

Segregation in the south means there is more racial discrimination in the south

How were the north and south different?

south wont slaves the north did not

What was true of segregation in the North?

Segregation existed in the North, but was not enforced directly by the law. apex:)

What was a structural factor contributing to the downfall of segregation?

African Americans migrating from the South to the North in search of better jobs

Where did segregation first start?

Segregation started in the south.

What issue would not concern most progressives?

Racial segregation in the South

Currency differences in north and south?

Money is the same in both the North and the South. In different countries the money value is different.

Did the Jim crow laws in the south enforce segregation or integration?


What did segregation in the south mean?

segregation in the south means that the blacks and the whites were separated by their skin color and being judged by it