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Q: Did the Jim crow laws in the south enforce segregation or integration?
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What name was given to the segregation laws in the south?

Jim Crow laws

Nickname for segregation laws in the south?

They were known as "Jim Crow" laws.

How was segregation enforced in the south?

. . . . . . . . . .They were called Jim Crow laws. The name's origin from a black character that was popular in entertainment acts during the mid-1800s, whose name was "Jim Crow".- S0L. . . . . . . . . .

what Is a rigid separation dictated by laws such as the Jim Crow laws in the South?

De jure segregation.

In the south the passage of Jim Crow laws in the 1870s and 1880s led directly to the what?

segregation of public facilities

What is the separation of blacks and whites?

It is called segregation. You can also find it under Jim Crow system.

What is the purpose of Jim Crow laws?

Jim Crow laws were designed to prevent blacks from voting in the old south, but voting laws were only one type of Jim Crow Law. In general, Jim Crow Laws mandated the "Separate But Equal" status of blacks in the south. The laws ensured segregation without having to make segregation itself a law, because legally-sanctioned segregation was not permitted.

Which of these answers is the best description of Jim Crow laws?

laws passed in the south following the Civil War that enforced segregation

What impact did Jim Crow have on life in the south after reconstruction ended?

It restricted the rights of African American citizens and was the catalyst to segregation

What were some of the problems of the South that the civil rights movement helped change?

Jim Crow laws and police-enforced segregation

Where was the Jim crow law?

The Jim Crow Law Era existed mainly in the South and originated from the Black Codes that were enforced from 1865 to 1866 and from prewar segregation on railroad cars in northern cities.

What legal segregation of races was a result of?

Jim Crow Laws