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They were known as "Jim Crow" laws.

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Q: Nickname for segregation laws in the south?
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Did the Jim crow laws in the south enforce segregation or integration?


Is it true or False that Defacto segregation laws existed throughout the South?

De facto segregation existed more throughout the South

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what Is a rigid separation dictated by laws such as the Jim Crow laws in the South?

De jure segregation.

What led many African Americans to leave the south?

segregation laws

What name was given to the segregation laws in the south?

Jim Crow laws

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Black and white Southerners developed etiquette for dealing with segregation laws Segregation laws led to social separation between white and black Southerners

Which of these answers is the best description of Jim Crow laws?

laws passed in the south following the Civil War that enforced segregation

Busloads of students rode into the South to challenge the segregation laws there. What were these journeys called?

Freedom rides

In the south the passage of Jim Crow laws in the 1870s and 1880s led directly to the what?

segregation of public facilities

What was the relationship Jim Crowe laws and segregation?

Segregation is the forced separation of whites and African Americans in public. Jim Cow laws are laws that enforced segregation.

Did many African Americsns left the South to avoid segregation laws and the Ku Klux Klan?

Yes. Many AA left the south to avoid segregation laws and the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK was very evil and so many AA didnt wanna get involved with them