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The slave-states were outnumbered in Congress, which tended to pass laws unfavourable to the South.

This led the South to see itself as a separate nation.

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Q: How was slavery linked to the civil war?
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What is slavery linked to?

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How did slavery relate to the Civil War?

Slavery began the civil war

How important was slavery in the civil war?

The civil war happened because of slavery.

Did the civil war start on issues of slavery?

Yes, the civil war was started on the issue of slavery.

Why did the Civil War begging?

The Civil War did not beg. It began because of the fight of slavery or no slavery.

How does the American Civil War link to the slave trade?

The civil war was fought because of slavery. North=No Slavery South=More Slavery

Was the Civil War about slavery or prejudice?

The American Civil War was about the south wanting slavery and the north saying it was wrong. So... the answer to your question is... Slavery.

What war ended slavery in the US?

civil war. civil war.

Why was slavery the cause of the civil war?

it wasn't about slavery

How was slavery weakened in the years following the war?

Slavery wasn't just "weakened" after the Civil War. Slavery was abolished by the Civil War, and by President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.

What problems led to the Civil War?

Slavery led to the Civil War.