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He was blown in half by a shotgun blast while Rikki-Tikki bit through his head.

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Q: How was the first snake killed in the story Rikki tikki taui?
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What happen to Rikki's conflict with Karait?

In the story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling, Rikki successfully defeats the snake Karait by outsmarting him and ultimately killing him. Rikki's quick thinking and brave actions help him emerge victorious in the conflict.

What is the predator of the snake?

The Mongoose. There is an excellent kids story about it called Rikki Tikki Tavi.

What is the setting of the story Rikki-tikki-tavi an give proof?

It is outside. proof - That is where Rikki killed the other animal

What is the resoultion of the story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?

Rikki-tikki killed the two cobras and destroyed their eggs and lived out the rest of his day guarding his family.

What are the four points of the rising action in the story Rikki tikki tavi and what is the climax?

The four points of the rising action in "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" include Rikki being rescued by a family, Rikki's growing friendship with the family, the initial encounters with the snakes, and the escalating tension between Rikki and the cobras. The climax occurs when Rikki defeats the two cobras, Nag and Nagaina, in the final confrontation.

What are two examples of foreshadowing in Rikki Tikki tavi?

When rikki senses the snake;

How do the family members views of rikiki-tikki-tavi change throughout the story?

At the beginning, the family is wary of having Rikki-tikki-tavi around because he is a wild animal. As they witness his courage and loyalty in protecting them from the cobras, their view of him shifts to one of admiration and gratitude. By the end of the story, Rikki-tikki-tavi is seen as a beloved member of the family.

In Rikki tikki tavi when does Rikki meet the cobras?

In the first few pages of the story. Rikki tikki is asking Darzee who ate his eggs then Nag comes out.

Why doesn't Rikki Tikki stay afraid when he sees Nag?

It says in the story that a mongoose is taught to never fear a snake or predator.

What happens to Nagaina at the end of the story?

At the end of the story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling, Nagaina is killed by Rikki-Tikki before she can harm the human family. Rikki-Tikki manages to destroy Nagaina's eggs and the final showdown between the two ends with Rikki-Tikki emerging victorious.

How does nag dies in the Rikki-tikki-tavi story?

Nag dies in Rikki Tikki Tavi when Rikki Tikki Tavi was fighting him. Right when Rikki Tikki Tavi was on top of him he bit him and he got weak. The snake was still alive so then the big englishman came out and shot Nag. Then he dies. Hope this answered your question(:

Can you write a sentence with the word impotent in it?

With all but her last leg destroyed, Nagaina felt impotent against Rikki. I read this in my english class for the 7th grade and the story is called Rikki-tikki-tavi and Nagaina is a cobra snake and Rikki is a mongoose. Hope this helped with whatever you needed this for