

Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling (30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936) was a British author and poet. He is best known for his works of fiction The Jungle Book. In 1907 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

548 Questions

Is rudyard kipling public domain?

Ah, what a lovely question. Rudyard Kipling passed away in 1936, which means his works are in the public domain in most countries. You can explore and enjoy his writings freely, like a happy little tree swaying in the breeze. Take a moment to immerse yourself in his beautiful words and let your creativity flow like a gentle stream.

What is a summary of Joseph Rudyard Kipling's poem The Children's Song?

here the children are praying to god to enable them to serve their country .children are saying that their love and hard work would never change towards their motherland in the coming years when are grown up as citizens of india.

whenever the children will call god for help god would help them witout any discrimination so that they could make world free of evils. children pray to god to teach them to be focussed ,responsible and determinant in their young age so that they could make the nation rise high.Teach usmro be focussed, responsible and firm in youth. Teach us seek happiness in simplicity and nobility and to learn forgiveness.

Analysis of in spring time by kipling?

"In Springtime" by Rudyard Kipling is a poem that celebrates the joy and beauty of the spring season. The poem describes various aspects of nature coming to life during spring, such as flowers blooming, birds singing, and the earth awakening from its winter slumber. Kipling uses vivid imagery and personification to convey the sense of renewal and vitality that spring brings.

How does Rudyard Kipling arouse sympathy for nagaina in Rikki tikki tavi?

Rudyard Kipling arouses sympathy for Nagaina by showing her maternal side when she tries to protect her eggs from Rikki-tikki-tavi. Additionally, her desperation and determination to save her offspring evoke feelings of pity even though she is portrayed as the antagonist. Finally, her eventual defeat and loss of her eggs can further elicit sympathy from the readers.

Name Rudyards autobiography and the year it was written?

Rudyard Kipling's autobiography is titled "Something of Myself" and it was written in 1936.

What did Rudyard Kipling describe as the thread running across the map of India?

Rudyard Kipling described the railway line as the "thread running across the map of India" in his book "Kim." This imagery highlights the significance of the railway in connecting and unifying the diverse regions of India during the British colonial era.

What are the answers for Kipling and you by Jesus Colon?

"Kipling and I" by Jesus Colon is an essay that reflects on the realities of racial prejudice and discrimination, as well as the importance of solidarity and unity among marginalized communities. It discusses the experiences of the author living as a Puerto Rican in New York City and draws parallels with the struggles faced by other oppressed groups. Ultimately, the essay conveys a powerful message of resistance and resilience in the face of injustice.

What is the meaning of are losing theirs and blaming it on you?

This is a line from the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling. It means that even when others around you are losing control or becoming overwhelmed, you should remain calm and take responsibility for your actions without being influenced by their behavior or blaming them for their reactions.

Did Elsie Kipling have children?

Yes, Elsie Kipling had three children with her husband, the writer George Bambridge.

What are the personality traits of Rudyard Kipling?

Rudyard Kipling was known for being creative, imaginative, and introspective. He was also seen as opinionated, determined, and independent-minded.

Where is the Naulakha-Rudyard Kipling House in Brattleboro Vermont located?

The Naulakha-Rudyard Kipling House is located in Dummerston, Vermont, not Brattleboro. It is situated on a hillside overlooking the Connecticut River Valley.

What is the literal meaning of the phrase thankfully lets his burden down what is his physical burden in death of a salesman?

The literal meaning of the phrase "thankfully lets his burden down" in "Death of a Salesman" is that Willy Loman has passed away and no longer has to carry the weight of his struggles and failures. His physical burden in the play symbolizes the pressures of living up to the American Dream, providing for his family, and his feelings of inadequacy as a salesman.

What does this line from If by Rudyard Kipling mean If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools?

This line from "If" by Rudyard Kipling means that if you can handle seeing the words of truth that you've spoken being manipulated and twisted by dishonest people in order to deceive others who may be less discerning or perceptive. It signifies the importance of maintaining integrity and not being swayed by falsehoods or deceit.

When was The Strong Man's Burden created?

"The Strong Man's Burden" was first published in 1918 by American author William Easterly. The book explores the complexities of international development and economic issues in developing countries.

When was Rudyard Moncayo born?

Rudyard Moncayo' birthdate is unknown as there is no public information available regarding his birthdate.

Why do they call it the white mans grave?

The term "White Man's Grave" is a colloquial term used to refer to regions in West Africa, like Sierra Leone and Liberia, due to the high mortality rate from diseases such as malaria and yellow fever that European colonizers faced when they first arrived. The nickname underscores the harsh conditions and health risks that European explorers and colonizers encountered in these regions.

What is the value of the book The Poems of Rudyard Kipling published 1900?

The value of The Poems of Rudyard Kipling published in 1900 can vary depending on factors such as edition, condition, and rarity. In general, a first edition in good condition can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, while later editions or poorer conditions may be less valuable. It's best to consult with rare book dealers or online marketplaces for an accurate assessment of its worth.

What is the story of everybody has his burden?

The saying "everybody has his burden" emphasizes that everyone faces challenges and struggles in life. It suggests that no one is exempt from dealing with difficulties, and encourages empathy and understanding towards others' burdens. It serves as a reminder that we all have our own obstacles to overcome.

The white man burden pack?

"The White Man's Burden" is a concept that describes the belief that Western colonial powers had a duty to civilize and uplift indigenous peoples. It has been criticized for its paternalistic and imperialistic undertones, implying that non-Western cultures were inferior and in need of Western intervention to progress. Today, the idea is considered outdated and a product of colonial perspectives.

What did Rudyard Kipling's mom do?

Rudyard Kipling's mother, Alice Kipling, supported her son's writing career and encouraged his early literary efforts. She was also a gifted musician and artist, providing a creative environment for Rudyard as he developed his talents.

Is there a difference between black mans semen and a white mans?

No, the color or composition of semen does not vary based on a person's race. Semen is made up of sperm and other fluids produced by the reproductive system, and its characteristics can vary slightly from person to person but are not determined by race.

What happened to white man burden?

"The White Man's Burden" was a phrase popularized during the era of European colonialism and imperialism, suggesting that it was the duty of white Europeans to civilize and educate people in other parts of the world deemed to be less advanced. However, the concept has been widely criticized for its racist and paternalistic attitudes and is no longer considered appropriate in modern discourse.

What was the main idea of the white mans burden?

The main idea of "The White Man's Burden" was the belief that it was the duty and responsibility of Western nations to bring civilization and progress to non-Western societies through colonization and imperialism. This poem by Rudyard Kipling promoted the idea of the moral obligation of Europeans to civilize and uplift people in other parts of the world.