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Q: How was the intolerable act unfair?
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What did the Americans call the coercive acts?

Intolerable act

Why did the colonists dislike the law intolerable act 1774?

They hated the intolerable acts because they were harsh and unfair.

When did the intolerable act take place?

The Intolerable Acts took place in the Spring of 1774.

Why did they make the intolerable act?

THE intolerable Act was made in order to tax the civilvans to support the crown

Why was the intolerable acts signed?

the four laws of what the intolerable act?

What were the reasons for opposition of the sugar act stamp act and the intolerable acts?

The colonists opposed these acts because the colonists considered them to be unfair taxing (taxation without representation). Britain placed these taxes without their consent so they rebelled.

What is intolerance act?

the intolerable acts is an act of intolerance.

What was the british reaction to the tea party?

The King of England (Don't know his name) was enraged at this act. In punishment, he raised taxes on the colonies and passed the intolerable act in which the people of the colonies were required to house British soldiers and other unfair punishments.

What intolerable act was the worst?

They were all "intolerable." The acts led to the American Revolution.

Was the stamp act apart of the intolerable acts?

no, it was before the series of Intolerable acts.

What two acts made up The Intolerable Acts?

The Coercive act and the Quebec act became known as the Intolerable acts.

Did the sugar act happen before the intolerable acts?

Yes. The Sugar Act was a few years before the Intolerable Acts.