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Q: How was the light-bulb invention transported around the world?
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oil can be transported around the workd by ships and other sources.

How is oil transported around the world?

mostly by ship and pipelines

What impact did the invention of the lightbulb have on the US?

The invention of the lightbulb had a significant impact on the United States. It revolutionized the way people lived and worked by providing a reliable and affordable source of artificial light. It spurred industrial growth, extended working hours, and contributed to urbanization and the development of modern cities. Additionally, it paved the way for further technological advancements and innovations.

Where was the lightbulb discovered?

Disney world

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it didn't

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Underground pipelines and liquified on traincars and trucks.

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Is railway related to world war 2?

Most definitely. The railways transported soldiers around places and transported many innocent lives to concentration camps which was controlled by the Nazis.

Who takes the chocolate around the world?

Chocolate is transported around the world in many ways. Across large land continents and countries, chocolate is transported by mail, truck, and train. It can go in the cargo of airplanes and ships, too, when traveling across seas or just much further distances.

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It was transported by pigeons!

Are olives transported?

Yes, olives are transported all over the world