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On bridges.

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Q: How was the overseas railroad constructed?
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What was the first underwater tunnel built in the United States?

The first such railroad tunnel, constructed for the Allegheny Portage Railroad in Pennsylvania, was completed in 1832

What is the name of the two railroads lines that constructed the first transcontinental railroad?

It was in the underground railroad...wait that was for the nigs...sorry

How long did it take to build henry flagler's overseas railroad?

15 years

What was constructed to run from Maryland to Ohio?

The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (B&O).

What did railroad workers find in the 1800?

They found tons of land to lay the railroad. If I remember my history, one railroad had been constructed through a wetern town named Rock Ridge, only because quicksand was found where the original track was to be laid.

Specially designed buildings that were constructed to house large numbers of immigrants in New York City were called what?

They are called "railroad apartments."

How was railroad track built in the early 1900s?

Railroad tracks that were built in the early 1900s were constructed from steel. The steel was used to replace rail tracks and railway cars that were built from iron prior to the early 1900s.

Who invented the railroads in the Industrial Revolution?

The first railroad charter was granted to John Stevens in North America in 1815. The first transcontinental railroad was a 1907 mile contiguous railroad line. It was constructed between 1863 and 1869.

What was the advantage of railroad?

They could be built almost anywhere.

How can I get to Villa del Mar from Santiago Chile SA?

The town on Vina Del Mar can be reached from Santiago, Chile by train. The railroad was constructed to connect these two cities.

What is the undergroung railroad?

The Underground Railroad was an informal network of secret routes and safe houses.It was also the place where 19th century slaves could use to escape from the united states and go to Canada some people would also go to Mexico to even overseas.

Why did the Chinese imigrate to America?

Originally Chinese males (they left their wives, etc. at home) immigrated to California during the Gold Rush of 1849. Then in the 1860's more Chinese men immigrated to build the railroad thru the Sierra Mountains, which was completed on or around 1869. The eastern portion of the railroad was primarily constructed by Irish males. They both linked up in Utah (railroad completed).