

How was the relationship with France?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How was the relationship with France?
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the relationship deteriorated. trade was weakened

What are relationships like in France?

Relationships in France are exactly the same as you have a relationship anywhere, the only difference is they speak French!

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The effects of the Quasi War with France was that the good relationship the United States had with France was sullied. It took place from 1798 to 1800.

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France and Britain's relationship was strengthened due to the Treaty of Versailles. It was strengthened due to the fact that they connected on the level of what they wanted from the treaty and partially achieving the goal.

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The relationship between Haiti and France has been complex, marked by a history of colonization, revolution, and independence. France has been involved in supporting Haiti's development through aid and cooperation programs, but there have also been tensions over issues such as debt repayment and influence in Haitian politics. Overall, the relationship is influenced by historical ties and ongoing efforts to address shared challenges.

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The XYZ Affair did not involve the United States and England. It was a dispute between the U.S. and the French Republic.

Will there ever be peace between Germany and France?

France and Germany have enjoyed a very happy and tranquil relationship since the end of WWll, and are great trading partners.

Why is the XYZ affair important?

The XYZ affair caused a harsh relationship between France and the US.