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Q: How was the trade relationship between Africans and Europeans at first?
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Who settled in the Americas first africans or Europeans?

Europeans, after columbuses discovery. europeans then (in late 1600s) introduced the africans into the Americas as slaves

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What was the relationship between the Europeans and the first nations people?

they traded and it was cool

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Who were the first europeans to come into contact with black africans?

The first Europeans to come into contact with black Africans were likely the ancient Greeks and Romans through their interactions with the North African civilizations such as Egypt and Carthage. Through trade and military conquests, they would have encountered black Africans in these regions.

What caused the relationship between europe and africa to change?

At first, the Europeans and the Africans traded in a way that everyone is equal. After Christopher Columbus found America, the Europeans gradually turned their attention to the Americas rather than Asia. In the new land, the Spaniards were the first to settle there. As they enslaved the Native Americans, more settlers came. However, the hard labor and diseases killed them quickly. In the need of new labor, they turned their attention back to Europe and Asia. The Europeans were not used to the hard work and the Asian workers weren't enough. Eventually, they found the ideal workers - Africans. The Africans were used to the long hours of work and they have the knowledge of farming. Since then, the Europeans and the Americans started the slave trade and took away the rights of the Africans little be little, believing that they were inferiors.

What three things led to the European dominance of Africa?

Factors that allowed European nations to dominate Africa and Asia included the ability to travel quickly across the ocean and the ability to carry and ship food and weapons. The shipping lanes helped the Europeans to take over almost every area they visited.

Who was involed in the triangular trade?

technicaly the europeans were the first ,but to answer the question, africans were invovled with the triangular trade

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Who was the first and largest group of europeans to colonize Brazil?

The First European group to colonize Brazil was...The Spanish

Who were the first Europeans to bring enslaved Africans to the Americas?

the English and french, they went together but on different ships.

Who were the first europeans to bring enslaved africans to America?

the English and french, they went together but on different ships.