

How was the universe made?

Updated: 8/26/2021
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7y ago

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Every concept made every concept in your own mind; we are only the same at birth; every living cell lives in their own time continuum, therefore, we are all alone in our own minds; LIFE IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD

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Nikki Kovacek

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Im not sure this is right
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7y ago

While many religions have their own stories for the creation of the Universe, the most widely accepted scientific explanation for the formation of the Universe is called the Big Bang Theory. According to this model, about 13.7 billion years ago the entire Universe was once contained in an extremely hot and dense point known as a singularity. It suddenly began to expand. As the universe expanded, it cooled, allowing energy to be converted into matter. The first elements were hydrogen and helium. For billions of years after the Big Bang stars and galaxies formed from large clouds of hydrogen and helium.

See the links below for more information on the Big Bang and the development of the Universe
it was made by the Big Bang

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11y ago

It was made when a big like a storm but it is wind that is chasing each other (also known as a tonado) rose up from the center of the earth and collided with solar flare. This caused an event known as the Big Bang.

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