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It wasn't. The Big Bang was the beginning of the universe; the universe didn't exist before then.

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Q: How was the very small and very hot universe bubble born before Big Bang?
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What is one of the primary unaswered questions about the origin of the universe?

It was what came before the big bang, and the big bang theory states that the universe started as a dense nucleus of matter: a huge amount of matter concentrated in a tiny spot. This is the conclusion of equations and evidences that prove that the universe has been and continuous to expand: since it has been expanding, there was a moment when it was as small and dense as it is possible . So, the expansion is the result of violent explosion. The time during which the expansion has been happening (this is how long ago the big bang occurred) has been estimated thanks to the observation of the speed of recession of the galaxies, but nothing can be told about what came before the big bang occurred .

Which theory proposes that all the matter in the universe simply exploded outward after it was compressed into a small space under tremendous pressure?

The big bang theory does not state that "the universe began with a gigantic explosion." The theory suggests that our universe originated from an infinitesimally small point called a singularity. Since all of space was all localized within this point, the rapid expansion of the universe isn't an explosion. An explosion occurs within space, but the expansion of space itself isn't an explosion. Quite simply, there isn't anything outside of space for the universe to explode into. Thus the "big bang" wasn't big, nor did it go bang. Around the time of the big bang (about 13.7 billion years ago), the universe was much hotter and expanding very rapidly (somewhat analogous to an explosion but by no means an actual explosion).

Event that marks the beginning of the universe?

Current theory is the Big Bang

What was the cosmic egg made out of?

The concept of the "cosmic egg" was a vague musing referring to the pre-explosion state of the universe before the Big Bang. The concept was never really thought-out in detail. Our "more modern" imagining of the Big Bang suggests that there was nothing - not even the universe itself - "before" the Big Bang, and that the very notion of "before" may not have any meaning, because the Big Bang is thought to have created time and space itself. So, no cosmic egg. Which means that it wasn't "made out of" anything at all.

What did Astronomers theorize that the universe began in an explosion called an?

big bang: This is the big bang theory

Related questions

What was one model of the universe called?

Bubble theory. Big Bang theory.

How the temperature of the Universe dropped after the Big Bang?

The big bang was the BEGINNING of the universe so there was no temperature before it :P

Was the universe one huge ball before the big bang theory?

The Big Bang theory states that the Universe started with all currently existing matter, concentrated in an extremely small, space - in an extremely hot and dense state. It is not clear what happened before that, or whether there even was a "before".

What best describes the universe before the Big Bang for a k12 student?

The universe did not exist before the Big Bang. There was nothing there. It can be hard to grasp for young minds.

How was universe created over and over?

Who says it was? We have no evidence whatsoever that there are other universes, or that the universe is somehow cyclic. In fact, it's quite likely that we can never have proof of that, since we'd have to somehow go outside the universe to check. Good luck with that. Einstein's theory explained the Big Bang. He said 'we are like insects living in a bubble and when the bubble expand, that is call the big bang.' But what happen before the Big Bang? that is when string theory comes in. Strings theory says that there are other universes out there, there is no rule law of physics that says 'multi universes cannot exists'. where the big bang came from? when the two universes collide, it can form another universe, when the universe spit in half, it becomes two universe. That is what physicists think 'that is the big bang.

Is there any chance to occur the big bang without universe?

Our concept of the "big bang" has no explanation about how or why, but our hypothesis is that there was NOTHING before the Big Bang created the universe.

How much did the universe increase after the big bang?

From an infinitesimally small point to the present size, the universe is still expanding as a result of the big bang.

What is the theory of the formulation of the universe?

The big bang all the matter of the universe was compacted in a very small thingy and then it exploded and we have the universe

What was before the big bang theory?

Before the Big Bang theory, many scientists believed that the universe was static, or infinitely unchanging.

How do they know how small the universe was before the big bang?

We know how big it is now, we know how old it is, and we know the rate of expansion. Its like rewinding a movie that you started in the middle. We just rewind the known universe as it is now. We dont know how big it was before the big bang but we know how big it was at the initial kaboom.

What exist before bangs?

according to me , minakshi one universe exist before the big bang .

Where does everything derive from?

In our Universe, ultimately everything started with the Big Bang. We don't know what came before that... or if there even was a "before".