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Do not burn plastic

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Q: How we recycle plastic without pollution at low cost?
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waste and recycle a lot

How should one recycle plastic CD cases?

You can reuse or recycle the CD cases. There is a recycling place for recycling plastics. It is a good idea to recycle or reuse, because this will keep the earth clean and keep the cost down for you.

How does recycling plastic compare to recycling materials such as aluminum paper and glass?

Only aluminum is continually recyclable. Paper has a one cycle recycle life. Plastic costs more in processing and transportation costs than the plastic resins are worth. Household pay more to recycle plastic than it would cost to bury it. Glass is not cost effective to recycle because it costs more to clean and separate it than it costs to make new glass. The energy to make new glass is about the same as recycling used glass.

How much cheaper is it to recycle plastic rather than dump plastic in land fills?

To the consumer, the cost to recycle plastic is often slightly higher than the cost to dispose in a landfill. In any case, the cost is +/- 0-15 cents per plastic bottle. The additional cost may be a small fee the recycler imposes to collect the plastic, or the cost and time required to transport consumer plastic to a recycler if curbside pickup is unavailable. In cases where consumers are actually paid something to recycle plastic, this incentive is usually subsidized by a government agency, paid from collected taxes. So consumers are effectively paying themselves to recycle; they are also paying administrative costs. The costs to manufacturers are roughly equal to use recycled versus newly manufactured plastic once collection and sorting costs are factored in. The real benefit of recycling plastics is that the process uses less energy, less raw materials, and puts less non-biodegradable material in landfills. This results in less of a burden placed on future generations in exchange for our present convenience of using and disposing plastic.

What are 3 reasons you recycle paper?

Three reasons why you would recycle paper are: It saves more trees from being cut down to make more paper, It reduces litter and pollution from dies and chemicals, and it lowers the cost of paper.

Where can I recycle plastic items labeled #5 Thanks.?

She just has to go to the county records department in her area and file for a name change. Of course, there is a cost.

How does plastic effect our lives?

plastic substances dont break down..which means out of 25 billion 22 billion ends up in the wood fibers and plastic fibers are mixed..when it disposes the wood fiber breaks down leaving millions of tiny peices of plastic..causing it to get into our drinking water.

What all does it cost to manufacture a plastic bottle?

how much does it cost for a plastic water bottle

How much does it cost to recycle one ton of?

We need to know what you want to recycle. Not all items are the same and may vary between centers and locations.

What is the cost of reusable bottle?

if you mean to recycle them you have to read the label for example if it says Ny ,CT this means u can recycle them only in new york and Connecticut. When it has the number 5 u can recycle it for 5 cents.

What is the need for for plastic?

Without plastic we would not have a forest. The great part about plastic is that it is made from a byproduct of oil. During the refining process the make the materials needed to make plastic. Cost is also the need. We have the technology to make a plastic disposable shopping bag that can biodegrade in 90 days by we as a society have opted against this. Instead we decided to power our vehicles with our food supply. There is not enough Hungary people on the world. We have to burn food the get where we want to go. Don't get me started on recycling. It takes more energy to recycle something than it does to make a new one. Go figure theses are the prices we pay to live our wasteful life's.-Richard

Why should you recycle plastics?

Plastic is a compound which can not be degraded easily ,by degrading microorganism ,there are plastic degradating microbes but their degradating action takes a long time, so a degradable plastic is necessary to protect the environment from polymer pollution. Because most plastics are created through the use of hydrocarbons, specifically oil. By recycling these plastics we are reducing the drain on the oil reserves, dropping the demand for crude oil and reducing the cost to everyone. By dropping demand, less oil is pumped out of the ground leading to fewer risks of oil spills and extending the usable reserves.