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Q: How were Aristotle and Plato idea of government different?
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How did Aristotle idea of government differ from Plato's?

Plato looked for the ideal government. Aristotle wanted to "consider, not only what form of government is best, but also what is possible and what is easily attainable."

How did Aristotle and Plato's idea of government differ?

Plato believed in a philosopher-king ruling through a merit-based caste system in an ideal society governed by reason, while Aristotle preferred a mixed government of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, emphasizing the importance of a balanced constitution. Plato's ideal government aimed for a utopian society based on abstract forms, while Aristotle focused on empirical observation of existing political systems.

What idea put forward by Plato and Aristotle contributed to the later development of the democratic tradition?

Aristotle preferred government by the many, not by the few.Like Plato,however,he was suspicious of democracy,which he thought could lead to mob rule.Instead,he was favored a constitutional government ruled by members of the middle class.

What is the idea of The Republic by Plato?

The main idea of "The Republic" by Plato is to explore the nature of justice and the ideal society. Plato's philosopher-kings concept suggests that society should be governed by those who possess wisdom and knowledge. The book also delves into the importance of education and ethics in shaping a just society.

Who created the idea of government by ruler's and administrator's and producers?


What conclusions can you draw about aristotle's ideas about government?

That his idea was really good that it became the american government. ;D YOUR VERY WELCOME! LOL

How did Aristotle affect our lives today?

He affected our lives because the Americans were influenced about his idea of a mixed government.

How did Aristotle's contributions affect modern day life?

Aristotle's contributions in fields such as logic, ethics, politics, and natural sciences have had a profound impact on modern thought and education. His ideas have influenced Western philosophy, science, and politics, shaping various disciplines and providing a foundation for many modern theories and concepts.

Who was the first to systematically explore the study of public speaking?

The ancient Greeks, particularly Aristotle, were among the first to systematically explore the study of public speaking. Aristotle's work in rhetoric, as outlined in his book "Rhetoric," laid the foundation for understanding persuasive communication and effective speech delivery.

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How does Plato of ideal forms differ from Aristotle's?

Plato’s theory of ideal forms is that the objects we perceive are simply reflections of the ideal forms, they are but shadows, and reality is found in the form itself. Aristotle’s theory is that by examining objects, we could perceive their form. He thought of forms as part of things themselves. He rejected the idea that Plato had on there being a higher plane in which objects existed in a true form.for credibility: this was written by a 14 year old in the 9th grade. it was a question i had on an assignment for world history. i got my information from a textbook, i cant link it, sorry :(

According to aristotle what was the best form of government?

Aristotle believed that the best form of government was a constitutional government, which combines elements of oligarchy and democracy. He argued that a constitutional government would best serve the common good by balancing the interests of the wealthy and the poor.