

How were Jews different from non-Jews?

Updated: 1/3/2020
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Q: How were Jews different from non-Jews?
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Did nonJews celebrate Passover?

Passover is usually only celebrated by Jews

Did all the nonjews love Hitler?

Certainly not. By far, the vast majority of the people who fought against his regime were non-Jewish.

What do all jews eat?

There is no food that all Jews eat by dint of the fact that all Jews are different people with different tastes and choices.

Are people in Germany Jews?

Of course there are Jews in Germany, but under no seecomstance is there or has there ever been only Jews. Many different people have different religions every where you go.

Do Jews wear different clothes than everyone else?

It depends entirely on the time period.Today, Liberal Jews and Modern Orthodox Jews typically wear clothes indistinguishable from those worn by the Non-Jewish population, with the one exception that Modern Orthodox Jews will usually not wear any clothes that are immodest in appearance. Hasidim and Haredim wear specific frocks, cloaks, and shirts based on their particular community.Historically, Jews usually wore distinctive clothing, especially prior to Emancipation when distinctive clothing was often legally mandated of them by Non-Jewish rulers. After Emancipation, by and large, what we see today came about. There were some post-Emancipation times, such as during Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, when distinctive clothing was once again mandated.

How did the Nazis defined the Jews as different and inferior?

How- they passed laws stating it. They classified Jews as a race, therefore they were genetically different and inferior.

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Christians believe Jesus is the messiah, Jews don't.

Did Adolf Hitler have the Jews where stars that represent that they were Jews?

To show they were different. It was a sign of disrespect.

Are brahmins Jews?

No, Brahmins are not Jews. Brahmins are Hindus, and are not Semitic. Jews are Semitic, and have an entirely different, monotheistic religion. There are links below.

Were the Jews actually different from us?

As long as "us" refers to humans, then no. Jews are humans too.

How are Jews different from us?

As long as "us" refers to humans, there are no differences. Jews are humans too.

What is the difference between a Jew and a non-Jew?

Jews are Jewish and non-Jews are a different religion.