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Type your answer here... They were made according to the "LORE" of the country. The "LORE" comes from ancient ancestral beings who sung the songs of country, man/women/humans , animals and plants were created from these songs. This set of "LORE" was then used as a set of guidelines for Elders to pass onto children. There is one set of "LORE" for each country and that is what is passed on. You cant ever change "LORE" to suit a situation.

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Q: How were decisions usually made in aboriginal culture?
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No. Strategic decisions are usually made at a very high level of management.

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Indigenous Australian art (also known as Aboriginal art) is art made by Indigenous Australians , covering works that pre-date European colonization as well as contemporary art by Aboriginal Australians based on traditional culture.

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It was a joint effort. A little-known fact is that the women made the laws and the rules in aboriginal society. The men were the ones who implemented them, and made sure the laws were carried out.

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aboriginal digging sticks a made by of bush sticks

What material were Aboriginal shoes made of?

Well, there were various types of aboriginal tribes, who did things differently, so being more specific could help you, but usually they wore mocasins in the winter. Mocasins are made of leather and fur, I beleive.

What subjects did the aboriginal artisits paint about?

Aboriginal art is thousands of years old. Bark paintings are the oldest form of Aboriginal Art Aboriginal art and paintings interpret the traditions and culture of the Abariginals. By Rebecca R | Hucknall Nottingham

What aspects of Traditional aboriginal culture has been contributed to society today?

The history has made a big impact. It gives tourists a chance to see what life was like before white settlers came and learn more about our countries famous culture. Things such as paintings can be admired and are studied to see what life was like and how the aboriginal people actually lived. There lifestyle can be admired not only by tourists but also by us- citizens. Kakadu national park and other hot tourist spots are popular for their aboriginal culture and evidence. Many places in Australia have Aboriginal names.

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Advantages -Decisions made quickly -Cheap to run Disadvantages -nepotistic -can be paternalistic

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