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They were lynched.

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Q: How were immigrants impacted by world war 1 and world war 2?
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How did world war 1 affect Mexican immigrants?

How did it not.

Did the immigrants have anything to do with the World War I?

in those times immigrants were relative with world war 1...because they had to leave like an immigrant those....

What group benefited from World war 1?

Mexican immigrants

Why is it called WW1?

WW1 is short for Wold War 1. It was the first war that truly impacted all the countries of the world.

Does World War I mean anything to people today?

world war 1 has impacted people today by having a reputation of the first great war. and it lasted from 1914 to 1918.

How was World War 1 impacted by OT and PT ( in own words)?

gave the physical and mental stamana

What economic factors after World War 1 impacted the beginning World War 2?

The Treaty of Versailles demanded that Germany repay reparations for WW 1; hyperinflation led to Hitler's rise

What happened to the immigrants station during world war 1?

The number of immgrants decresed because of the war and the almost inability to travel.

What were push and pull factors for immigrants coming to the United States during World War 1?

ya mum you dick

Why did the US restrict immigrants to enter US after World War 1?

i dont care but i think its cause were richer or something

What were hyphenates in World War 1?

They were immigrants that were known by their hyphenated nationality. Such as, japanese-american, mexican-american, german-american

Did the Great Depression hit in world war 1 or world war 2?

The Great Depression impacted in 1936 (after the stock market crashed) and it ended when World War II started because of people going into the military and people gaining jobs in factories and what not.