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Q: How were logos made before computer drawing packages were invented?
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Related questions

Who invinted drawing?

Since drawing was invented before writing, we'll never know.

What did the word computer mean before computers were invented?

Before modern computers were invented word "computer" meant "somebody who computes".

What was invented before the computer?

Numerous things. The wheel, for instance.

Was the z1 computer invented before the transistor?

Yes. Konrad Zuse built the entirely mechanical Z1 prototype computer in his parent's bedroom before WW2. The transistor was not invented until 1948, roughly a decade later.

Was Microsoft invented before the computer?

No, the earliest electronic computer was developed during WW2 (1943), Microsoft was founded in 1975.

Is computer older then tv?

No, there's no exact year for when television or the computer were invented, (depends on your definition of the two,) but TV definitely came before the computer.

Before they invented drawing boards what did they go back to?

most likley... they just drew on in the dirt with a stick -The beginning -The front -The place where they belong

What are the machine invented before the computer?

pascaline & difference engine cotton gin & stone tools

How can you finish a report with out a computer?

The same way reports were written before computers were invented, perhaps?

When did john von neumann invented the computer?

never, computers existed before he became aware of them

Were computers invented before cell phones or after?

No, computers were not invented before cell phones. The first cell phone was invented in the year of 1973 by a man named Martin Cooper in Manhattan. The first computer was invented in 1939 by German engineer Konrad Zuse.

Did Martin Luther King jr have a computer?

No. He died a full 7 years before the first widely available personal computer was invented.