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People in different countries were all affected differently. Many Europeans were placed directly in harms way as were those in the Orient and the Pacific. In the US, nonmilitary citizens made every effort to help. They entered the plants and factories to produce the ships, tanks and aircraft that the Allies needed. They helped by joining in on scrap metal drives. They planted 20,000,000 Victory Gardens, and they accepted the need for rationing.

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Q: How were people affected by World War 2?
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Why were people involved in World War 2?

People were involved in world war 2 because it affected everyone and everything.___Answered by a 6th grader.

What religion group as affected the most by world war 2?

the jewish people.

Who was most and least affected by World War 2?

The six million Jews who were murdered and the 71 milion people who died in World War 2 were the most affected by World War 2. The Yanamamo Indians living in the Amazon forest in Brazil were the least affected because they probably never even knew there was a war.

Was World War 2 a 'total war' for Australia?

Yes, it involved and affected all Australian people.

What was the effect of communism on World War 2?

the Bolshevik revolution affected WWII in many ways. one of these is that Russia went under a new rule. The Bolsheviks (communists) overthrew the monarchy that was in place.

How was Miep Gies affected by World War 2?

Miep Gies Was affected by World War 2 Very deeply.

The battle of Stalingrad affected the rest of world war 2 by?

The battle of Stalingrad affected the rest of world war 2 by?

Why is World War 2 importantt?

Because it's an epic war and loads of people died and it affected our country badly.

Cities affected by World War 2?

my but

How did world war 2 affected us and tn economy?

World war 2 affected mostly the whole nation especially Germany, France, Britain, Russissa,Italy,Poland,and Japan. But it also affected the United States because millions of people died.