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The Aztec and Incas highly respected the Gods who they believed gave them their crops, rain, and food. They both had a unique way of architecture, such as the material used to make houses. An example would be the Incas, who built their houses out of adobe. Both believed in living in tribes. It was an How_are_Inca_and_Aztecs_alikeway to keep a society in order and together without much dispute. Successful technology also kept both communities abundant. Canals brought the Incas water while chinampas brought the Aztecs water.

  • Religions
  • Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies
  • Science and technology
  • The arts and architecture
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Q: How were the Aztec and Incas civilization the similar and different?
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How were the Aztec and the Inca civilization similar?

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Who destroyed the Aztec and Inca civilization?

Hernan Cortez destroyed the Aztec civilization. As for the Incas, i dont not know!

What civilization built pyramids?

The Egyptians, the Incas, the Aztecs, ect.

What the Incas do?

the Incas conquered lots of country and civilization but not the Aztec's The Incas also invented popcorn and made the most civilised roads for a long time.

Was there civilization before the coming of the Spaniards?

Yes. Maya, Aztec, and Incas to name a few.

What was the next Indian civilization conquered by the Spaniards after the Aztec?

I think it's... The Incas and the Maya's.

How did the Aztec civilization collapsed?

The Spanish came and killed them around 1500 - 1520, about the same time as the incas. The Spanish leader who killed the Aztec leader ( Montezuma ) was called Cortes.

In what ways were the defeats of the Aztec and Incas empires similar and in what why were they different?

They are similar because they are to very ancient empires and they both got conquered at one point and they all died. Not very helpful answer.........

How are the conquests of the Aztec and the Incas empires similar?

sorry there dead so thats the only thing they have in common sucker

Who were the Incas' friends?

Aztec And Maya

How are incas and Aztecs similar?

Both the Aztec and the Inca were defeated by Spanish conquistadors. Both the Aztec and the Inca were New World empires. Both the Aztec and Inca had calendars of their own. Both had gold artifacts that the Spanish wanted.