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They were pretty well off. Germany was one of the most liberal and safe places for Jews in Europe from the 1700s up until the Holocaust.

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Q: How were the Jews' lives before the Holocaust in Germany?
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How many jews were there in germany before holocaust?

560,000 Jews Lived in Germany prior to the Hitler coming to power

Who was there in the Holocaust?

Any Jews and Non germany aryan people who was Born atleast 15-16 years before the holocaust.

What did signs during the Holocaust say against the Jews?

Many of the anti-Jewish signs put up in Germany dated from before the Holocaust and usually said things like:No Jews!Jews out!Jews unwelcome hereSome were in verse.

Was the Holocaust in Europe or Germany?

Germany is in Europe, anyway.The Holocaust - the extermination of the Jews - was maonly carried out in Poland.

What were the Jews blamed for before the holocaust?

for losing the first world war and that they destroyed Germany economy and that they were rich and thief's

What were the mass killings of Jews in Nazi Germany?

The holocaust.


the mass killing of jews in nazi Germany

Why did Jews not demand revenge on Germany after the Holocaust?

I wonder what form revenge would have taken. I wonder if you think the Jews should have sunk to the Nazis' level by murdering millions of Germans ... The survivors of the Holocaust had quite different preoccupations, such as rebuilding their lives.

How many Jews were there in Germany before the Holocaust?

560,000 Jews Lived in Germany prior to the Hitler coming to power

The almost complete destruction of the Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany is referred to as?

the Holocaust

Why are there no Jewish boys in Germany?

There ARE Jews in Germany, but the Holocaust destroyed most of the population.

How did the events of world war ll contribute to Nazi Holocaust of European Jews?

Hitler's Germany began the holocaust against Jews before the start of World War II.The primary events during the war that contributed to the holocaust: The genocide against Jews expanded into each country that Germany conquered.