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Since the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was not a sweatshop the conditions were not alike.

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Q: How were the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and sweatshop conditions alike?
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Why was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory considered a typical sweatshop in the heart of Manhattan?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was not considered a typical sweatshop in the heart of Manhattan. It had better working conditions than most sweatshops.

What was the name of the factory that was a sweatshop in New York in 1911?

there were many, if you mean where the huge fire took place , this was called the Triangle shirtwaist

When did Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire happen?

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire happened on 1911-03-25.

Where did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire name come from?

In 1911, there was a factory that made shirtwaists in New York City. A shirtwaist was a kind of woman's blouse. The name of the company was the Triangle Shirtwaist Company, so their factory was called the Triangle Shirtwaist factory. In March 1911, there was a disastrous fire in the factory and 146 employees, most young women, died in the fire or jumped to their deaths to avoid the fire. That factory fire came to be called the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire or the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire.

What year was the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire?

The Triangle Shirtwaist fire happened on March 25th, 1911.

Who owned the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Company was owned by Max Blanck and Isaac Harris.

Where did 146 female workers die in a fire?

Yes, in the Triangle Shirtwaist fire in the nineteenth century.

What was the color of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?

the color was brown

Why were the doors locked in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory?

The doors were locked in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory because the owners wanted to prevent employees leaving early or taking unauthorized breaks.

Did people survive the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire?

Yes, many people survived the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire. It was notorious because so many others did not survive.

Why was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire investigated?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire was investigated because:it involved a substantial insurance lossmany people were killed in a very public fashion

What did the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory show the need for?

The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory showed the need for better fire safety and fire evacuation procedures in industrial settings.