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Q: How were the soldiers and horses created in the Terracotta Army?
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What did Qin Shihuang do with the Terracotta Army?

He ordered to build the Terracotta Army as his tomb guard in accordance with the appearance of his elite soldiers.

What are facts about Terracotta Army?

A fact about the terracotta army is that 1.All of the clay soldiers represent one of the soldiers that was in the army. So it basically represents the soldiers that was in the army.

What are the terracotta statues of soldiers called?

The full name of those statues is Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang, Terracotta Army or Terracotta Warriors for short. In Chinese, they are called Bing Ma Yong (兵马俑).

Why are they called Terracotta Warriors?

Because they are warrior-like statues made of terracotta (a kind of clay). Actually, they were modelled after the best soldiers of Qin Shihuang. However, 'terracotta warriors', 'terracotta soldiers' or 'terracotta army' are all general terms, their full name is 'Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang' since they are called '秦始皇兵马俑' in Chinese.

What is the story behind the Terracotta Soldiers?

The First Emperor of China, Shi Huangdi, believed that he would need his army in the afterlife.

How was the terracotta soldiers concealed?

Hi well the terracotta army was buried in a well. Bye bye

What is the date of the Terracotta Army?

It was not the Terracotta Army that Qin Shihuang used to take the whole country, but the soldiers who the Terracotta Army modelled after. Thus the unification of China by Qin Shihuang was happened in 221 BCE.

How many rows of soldiers are in the Terracotta Army?

Current estimates are that in the three pits containing the Terracotta Army there were over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses, the majority still buried in the pits.

Where was terracotta army sealed underground?

Emperor Qin Shi Huang's terracotta army was buried and sealed in the Lintong District, Xi'an, in the Shaanxi province. Discovered in 1974 by local farmers, the incredible collection of sculptures including horses, chariots, and more than 8,000 soldiers.

How large was the terracotta army?

Over 8,000 soldiers130 chariots520 horses150 Calvary horses

What sort of artefacts can you find in the terracotta army?

A lot of men and no women some Horses to.

Why are the Terracotta soldiers unique?

The Terracotta soldiers are unique due to their large numbers (over 8,000 soldiers, horses, and chariots), intricate details in craftsmanship, individualized facial features, and their role in protecting the Qin Shi Huang's tomb in ancient China. They represent an impressive display of ancient Chinese military organization and artistry.