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How does a person's body fight off polio

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Q: How will attack polio virus in human body?
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How do you describe the reproduction of polio in the body?

Polio virus can infect only human being. Like other viruses, polio virus infect the cells. After getting attached to the cell, the virus genome is inserted into the cell body. The genetic material of the host is broken into small fragments and assembled as per the genome of the polio virus. Multiple such copies are formed and then released in the body to infect the new cells.

What is the difference between computer virus and a human body virus?

Computer virus' attack switches whereas human virus' affect cells.

What body part does bulbar polio attack?

your legs

What human body system is affected by polio?

Polio affects the nervous system.

What organ or system in the human body does polio affect?


How does the human body prepare itself for a virus the the human has already fought?

Because the body has already experienced the virus, the body knows how to get over the virus.

What system human does polio affect?

Polio affects both the skeletal and muscular system. When the polio virus enters the body it immediately attacks the nervous system, followed by the muscular system. The muscular system is what gives the skeletal system the ability to move. Thus, when the muscular system gets infected the skeletal system no longer has the power to move the body to where it wants to go. This is known as paralysis.

What was used in an attempt to fight the spread of polio?

Immunizations were formed in an attempt to fight different disease such as polio. In many parts of the world where immunizations are given, polio and other previously deadly diseases are virtually non existent.

What is a example of Immunity's?

An example of active immunity is the oral polio vaccine because it's a live attenuated vaccine. It means that, weakened polio virus will be given to you so that your body can form antibodies from it and can fight the virus. If your body itself made the antibody from an antigen, it's an example of an active immunity.

What is the reaction of the body when you have a virus?

White blood cells attack it.

Where Ebola virus effect in human body?

The entire body is effected.

How does Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus attack your body?

by mosquitos :P