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Immunizations were formed in an attempt to fight different disease such as polio. In many parts of the world where immunizations are given, polio and other previously deadly diseases are virtually non existent.

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13y ago

Polio is a virus. if you have that virus there is no stopping it unless removing it from the body. Polio could be prevented on the other hand by getting a vaccine thus making it not a hazard for not many people to have it(:

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Q: What was used in an attempt to fight the spread of polio?
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What was the polio vaccine used for?

to pervented polio

What are the vaccines of polio?

The vaccination will very likely greatly reduce your risk of contracting and spreading polio.

Is the polio vaccine used to treat plantar warts?

No. It is only used to prevent polio.

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Is polio gram positive or gram negative?

Neither. Polio is a virus and is not affected by gram staining.

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Does polio require Ventilatory assistance devices?

Ventilatory assistance devices may need to be used because of polio

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containment is the term used to refer to the US policy stating that any attempt to spread communism would be seen as a threat to the democratic nations of the world. this allowed the US to fight back at the communists to contain their ideas to one place.

Who invented the polio shot?

The first polio vaccine was created in 1952 by Jonas Salk at the University of Pittsburgh. It required years of practice and tweaking to get the vaccine to the point of effectiveness it has today.

What are disadvantages of oral polio vaccine?

The oral polio vaccine is a live virus that is mutated in order for it to be strong enough to induce an immune response but weak enough to not cause disease. This replication in the host of the live virus gave a better immune response and also allowed the vaccine strain to spread and inoculate people who did not directly (intentionally) received the disease. The problem is that rarely it could "back mutate" and actually produce polio disease. It is believed that when the oral polio vaccine was widely used in the US there were about 10 cases per year of vaccine induced polio (compared to thousands of cases per year of natural polio before the vaccine was developed). Some studies cast doubt on this number by carefully examining proposed cases and finding other causes in most of them. When the polio incidence became nearly zero it was decided that the advantaged of increased immunity and increased spread of the oral vaccine were not worth the vaccine induced cases and so the US, and most developed countries, switched to the injectable vaccine.

Why do people give polio drops to children?

Polio vaccination of children is there to prevent the re-appearance of the polio disease, which is currently almost eradicated. Originally, the vaccination was by needle. Then drops of vaccine on a sugar cube was used.

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