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Q: How will knowing the organs and tissue help a medical professional in their duties?
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What is the medical term meaning accessory organs?

Adnexa is the medical term meaning accessory organs.

Match each of the reproductive organs below to its description?

In order to match the reproductive organs with the descriptions the names of the organs will need to be provided. Since the organs are not listed there really is no way of knowing what the descriptions are.

What is medical term meaning pertaining to organs?

Visceral means pertaining to the viscera, or internal organs.

What is the medical term pertaining to the internal organs?


What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the internal organs?

The medical term is "visceral." It refers to structures or functions related to the internal organs within the body's cavities, such as the abdomen or thorax.

What is the medical term meaning disease of the organs of speech?

Laryngopathy is the medical term meaning abnormality of the layrnx or voicebox.

Meaning of endema?

Edema is the swelling of a large organs. This is medical term.

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Can you get dizzy after sex?

DISCLAIMER -- I am not a medical professional! Yes, especially if you have a tendency toward low blood pressure. During sex a good deal of blood flows to the sexual organs. If this happens frequently, check with a doctor for exercise and diet suggestions.

What is the medical term meaning a pair of exocrine organs near the male urethra?

The seminal vesicles are the paired exocrine organs near the male urethra.

How many professional sports stadiums still have real organs?

Miller Park in Milwaukee does.